Dnes slaví své 1. narozeniny štěňátka Yuki a Baniry ... Bian Yuka (Yuki), Ben Daichi (Ben), Benjiro Hideaki (Beni), Bishi Kaemon (Bishi) a Benika Keiko (Keiko). Přejeme všem do dalších let jen to nejlepší.
Krásné narozeniny /Happy birthday!
Lex píše:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Yuki and the rest of the 2015 Banira Akuri Jume CACIB x CZ GCH, CH ČMKU, 2x National winner Yukiko Howasou litter! Thank you Jana Janečková for breeding this special girl, thank you Stephanie Abel for importing her and co-owning her with me, and a huge thank you to Lindsay Anne Tompkins at the HANA project for everything you do to keep this wonderful breed going in the US.
Yuki is such a phenomenal dog both inside and out. She's everything I could have hoped for in a Hokkaido, and I'm excited to see where our journey takes us over the next few years.
Toto je v letošním roce jeden z nejkrásnějších dárků, který jsem mohla jako chovatel dostat. DĚKUJI!
Thank you very much, Lex!